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About Us


I have dedicated my life to learning how to heal and balance energy, and then share that with as many people in life as possible. I believe that we are all energy and light at the base of our existence, and that source of energy or light is love coming from Spirit, God, or the Universe; whatever you feel comfortable saying. My belief is when you heal yourself and balance the energy of your body, mind, and spirit, this allows divine love to flow through you; you then share that with the world around you, and your entire life will transform into a place of happiness, abundance, and love.


I was born intuitive and a natural Shaman, in touch with the life force energies of nature, animals, and spirits; I taught myself how to use and connect to these energies and have a working relationship with the natural flow of the Universe. I started my journey as a teacher and healer over 15 years ago learning to heal and balance my own energies through my studies in Buddhism, Massage Therapy, Reiki, Metaphysics, Psychology and Anatomy. I became a Reiki Master in 2008, and set my intention to share my healing and light with others across the world. My vision is to see all people become aware of the light and power inside of us all, and share love and create a world of harmony.

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